Westerns Page Menu - Sol Korby's Official Website
The Men of Moncada by Sol Korby
Horseback Rider in Stream by Sol Korby
The Long Wind by Sol Korby
The Tarnished Star by Sol Korby
At Stake - A Continent by Sol Korby
A Gun for Johnny Deere by Sol Korby
Applegate's Gold by Sol Korby
The Lurking Gun by Sol Korby
The Seneca Hostage by Sol Korby
The Last Trail by Sol Korby

Years ago, the quickest way to break into the paperback book market as a cover artist was to create western paintings. Any western painting will fit on the cover of 80% of any western novel. This gave the artist great leeway and freedom to work.

“The Lurking Gun” was done in my second year in Reilly’s class. By the time I finished Reilly’s classes, I was illustrating fulltime.

Mountain Man by Sol Korby