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Sol Korby Portrait -
Born and raised in NY, I acquired my earliest education in art from the comics and illustrations found in the newspapers and magazines in my parents’ candy store. The candy store was my wonderland. Every day there were new papers (in those days, NY had 9-10 papers), new magazines, new books, and new toys (model airplanes, ships, cars, etc.). All new illustrations, cartoons, photos, and lettering – all for me to copy. That was my art schooling.

After high school, I served three years in the army as a medic. In rest areas, I spent my time drawing portraits of everybody I knew. Some were given to the subjects to send home, and some I kept. Every now and then, I look at them and I am amazed. They were amateurishly done, but all had one great, redeeming quality; they all looked like the person I drew. (See below.)

After the war, I worked in various advertising agencies while studying illustration in the evening at the Art Students’ League with the great Frank J. Reilly. Upon completion of my studies, I left advertising and worked for most of the leading book publishers, among them Dell, Ace, Fawcett, and Avon.

After a full career of illustration, I started painting pictures I felt strongly about and entering them in shows like Salmagundi, The American Artists’ Professional League, The Pastel Society of America, and others. It was gratifying to be accepted in their shows and an honor to win awards from these prestigious organizations.

I am still going strong, with many more paintings planned.

Childhood Drawings by artist Sol Korby